I'm a black man who is also gay (and probably in that sequence if I were forced to pigeonhole myself into a certain dichotomous key). Much of what I write will come from my experiences growing up as a black male child who knew he was gay. The "active" gay part came much later--not that it was a huge surprise to me or my parents.
I'm in my early 30's, was born in Los Angeles, CA, reared in NYC and Atlanta, Georgia. My mother's family is from the south (Louisiana, Georgia, and Texas) and my father's family is from the Dominican Republic, CUBA, and Honduras.
I consider myself socio-politically independent, spiritual, and I'm a little arrogant. I have no children, but I am the eldest male of seven children and I did assist with the rearing of some of my younger siblings (emotionally and financially). I hold Bachelor of Science degrees in Biology and Chemistry and I'm applying to Law School for Fall 2009 entry. Currently, I am indulging my idealism by working for a DC Non-Profit Agency.
My interests include but aren't limited to: Men, Politics, Culture, Religion, Sex, Music, Food, Wine, Books, etc. All of the "normal" shit most people who like to write are interested in. I love life no matter how difficult it can be beacuse it sure beats being dead!
I'll be writing more substantive posts in the near future. Stay Tuned.
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